'Somebody.Everywhere' - Lorenzo Andrade Astorga - Kayaking

'Somebody.Everywhere' is a collection of short films on interesting people and places all over the world. From small towns to big cities there are unique things happening and this is a showcase of some of them. Josh Neilson, the director of this series, is an international kayaker and the people seen in these films are ones who have caught his attention on his travels. Keep an eye out for more short films from this series over 2013.
Episode 1 - Lorenzo Andrade Astorga is a Chilean kayaker traveling New Zealand with his girlfriend. Passing through Okere Falls to paddle the Kaituna River he met Josh through a mutual friend. After many talks over tea about kayaking and lifestyle Josh found out about not only Lorenzo's love for whitewater but also of playing the Quena (Andean Flute). The concept for this film came about from wanting to show the natural beauty of the Kaituna River and Lorenzo's unending passion for kayaking and music. The idea was to shoot the river on sunrise to get the contrast of dark canyon and glowing native bush. The plan was wake up early, paddle and shoot the film before breakfast and then come back home for pancakes and coffee.
Cheers for watching and check back soon for new episodes throughout 2013.
If you have an idea on a subject for this series or would like to sponsor the series or an episode please email Josh atjoshneilson@gmail.com